Welcome to UCSI Christian Fellowship's blog! Here, you can find the news and activities related to our past and coming semesters!

Do you remember the time when you accepted Jesus as your Saviour? Do you remember the joy you and countenance you had at that point of time? Do you even remember WHY?

Sometimes, we get too preoccupied in life that we put this aside. This semester, we're all set to ROFL. No, we're not going to roll on the floor laughing but instead we'll Rediscover Our First Love - Jesus. Join us as we embark on this journey as we ourselves would want to rediscover this.

We'd appreciate it if you would come on board with us and let the ultimate pilot of our lives to bring us home to Him.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Time's UP!!!

Hey peeps!

Had fun enjoying all the food and drinks during Chinese New Year? Well guess what, TIME'S UP!!! Yup you heard me, time to put down all you cookies, drinks and ANG PAU's!

CF is BACK!!! and it's time to get moving cause time is running out.

This week we have an interesting object lesson cum practical session for all of you regarding evangelism and sharing the gospel with your friends. So do come and bring your friends along too for this time of fellowship and learning!

AND... watch out for the premier of Life-RW's promotional video which would be screened during CF this coming week. So don't miss out on this week's CF meeting at the same place and at the same time!

15th Febuary 2008


C 115

p.s It's now only a month away to Life-Rw... have you invited your friends yet?

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