Hey guys, its here the musical you've all been hearing about during CF meetings. Friends Forever; a musical by the Kuala Lumpur Baptist Church Youth will be staged at UCSI this coming Thursday! Do bring your friends along for an evening of song and drama by youth's ages 13 to 17 years old. This production is entirely run and produced by teenagers, so it's sure going to be interesting. Do avail yourself that night to lend your support to these youth's who are passionate about God and proclaiming his glory through this musical. Worship will be lead by Paul and the CF team that very night as well.
For a short synopsis of the musical; continue to read below =)
The teacher decides to give an assignment and asks the class to define the question, "What Is A Friend?" The students discuss over the issue, some frustrated and even asks, "Who doesn't know what a friend is?" As the students ponder over the subject, many real life situations are brought up and the bond of friendship becomes closer among them. Finally, one of the students who is a Christian declares that Jesus is His best friend. No one would ever die for someone by being a friend but Jesus did. The musical has many witty lines and all the songs are accompanied with choreography. It will appeal to young people because many of the issues discussed relate to them.
Do be there for this unforgettable event!
10th July 2008 (Thursday)
Auditorium, Level 3
Block C, UCSI South Wing
Below are some pictures of thier previous performances.