Welcome to UCSI Christian Fellowship's blog! Here, you can find the news and activities related to our past and coming semesters!

Do you remember the time when you accepted Jesus as your Saviour? Do you remember the joy you and countenance you had at that point of time? Do you even remember WHY?

Sometimes, we get too preoccupied in life that we put this aside. This semester, we're all set to ROFL. No, we're not going to roll on the floor laughing but instead we'll Rediscover Our First Love - Jesus. Join us as we embark on this journey as we ourselves would want to rediscover this.

We'd appreciate it if you would come on board with us and let the ultimate pilot of our lives to bring us home to Him.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Walk The Talk

''Gong Xi Fa Cai"
"Wishing you a blessed Chinese New Year"
"Where's my angpao?''
Wow,Chinese New Year is finally over. I guess everyone had enough of those delicious cookies and pastries right? And I also believe everyone got their ''angpaos(red packets)?'' and are already planning on what to do with the money right? Anyways, its time to get back to our studies once again. No worries CF is still on this week, and this week we will be having a speaker who is going to talk to us about The Beattitudes as mentioned in Matthew chapter 5 and 7 and how is it related to our social works on earth. So do stop by and visit us this friday. Hope to see you this friday.
Once again
19th February 2010, Friday
C113, Block C, UCSI South Wing

Monday, February 08, 2010


''Hey do you know what's coming out for Mid Terms?''
''I have to study, study and study!''
''How to study?''
''I am so gonna flunk in my test.''
Greetings people, seems like Mid Terms is around the corner once again this semester and I believe that everyone is busy and stressed studying for their exams right? Well, to help ease up the pressure of all you people, we are gonna have fun this week. Wait, we usually do have fun every CF. But this week we will be having more fun! Yes, more FUN! So do join us this week to see what's in store for you, we are gonna have a blast.
Once again,
12thFeb 2010, Friday
C113, Block C, UCSI South Wing Campus
See ya there.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Terima Kasih

There are many different languages one can use to say ''Thank you'' to another person. For example we can use 谢谢(xie xie) which also means ''Thank You'' in Chinese or we can use merci which is also ''Thank You'' in French. But this week we will be focusing on using the Bahasa Malaysia version of ''Thank You'' which is ''Terima Kasih''. For those who were not with us during last weeks CF, the reason why this weeks theme is ''Terima Kasih'' is because we want to dedicate this very day to give a token of appreciation to the service staffs of UCSI. The ones who clean our toilets everyday, sweep the floors and even help us with our parking and many more. So thats why for this week we are going around our campus and surprise them with gifts! So do join us this week as we come together and tell them with a willing heart, ''Terima Kasih''.

"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."1John 3:18

5thFeb, Friday
C113, Block C South Wing