Attention people, we will not be having CF meeting this coming Friday,28th of May 2010 because it is a public holiday. Instead, we will be having a picnic at non other than Taman Pertanian in Shah Alam. We are gonna have so much fun playing games and having a small picnic together. There will be activities like Skytrex, Paintball and Flyfishing, but you have to pay on your own. For those who have registered their names, please remember
- To meet up at UCSI lobby, Block A at 8am sharp.We will not wait for late comers though because we want to avoid the jam.
- Bring a bottle of water
- To bring a spare of clothes for games
- That the entry to the park is rm3
- Bicycle rent for an hour is rm 3 as well
- Lunch is not included
Once again, we will not be having CF meeting this Friday. See you guys next week. And enjoy your holidays people.
If you wish to know more about Taman Pertanian, feel free to visit their site at http://www.whoaadventures.com/GeneralAdventuresPage/SkySports/SkytrexHighElementAdventureShahAlam/tabid/304/Default.aspx