Welcome to UCSI Christian Fellowship's blog! Here, you can find the news and activities related to our past and coming semesters!

Do you remember the time when you accepted Jesus as your Saviour? Do you remember the joy you and countenance you had at that point of time? Do you even remember WHY?

Sometimes, we get too preoccupied in life that we put this aside. This semester, we're all set to ROFL. No, we're not going to roll on the floor laughing but instead we'll Rediscover Our First Love - Jesus. Join us as we embark on this journey as we ourselves would want to rediscover this.

We'd appreciate it if you would come on board with us and let the ultimate pilot of our lives to bring us home to Him.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Love is pure. Love is so beautiful. Love is 1 Corinthians 13. Love is so amazing, so awesome and so powerful in so many ways.

...but love hurts just as much as it is all the things mentioned above. In the wrong handling, love could be the one thing that would destroy a person, and in many cases, the wrong choices or doubts would lead to love hurting us instead of blessing us. Just like a quote that says, "Love is heaven, but it also hurts like hell".

This week, we will look into the boundaries and the responsibilities of love, and we will be discussing it via forum style. We have a selected panel of people to help us answer some of our questions that we have been getting from our previous CF meetings over the past few weeks, and this Friday, we will seek to answer these questions that might be affecting us in love or relationships in one way or another.

So do come, this Friday in B105, from 1pm onwards. Bring your friends too! It'll be an exciting time of fellowship and discussion come this Friday. Hope to see you this Friday!

Once again:

Friday, 5th June 2009
Venue: B105 (the cabin behind Block B classes)
Time: 1pm til whenever we end

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